Crochet hat photoshoot fun

Handmade reinder crochet hatWe have just finished a photo shoot for a new crochet hat (full details coming soon) and to capture some new images of the elf crochet hat and the reindeer crochet hat for Christmas and I wanted to quickly share some of the images because I am so pleased with them!

We visited Photoshoot Studio Hire again which is a local business run by the super talented Paul Meyer. Paul runs the studio and is also a photographer himself.  He has done lots of Ruby & Custard photography shoots for us in the past and his patience working with the little people is amazing!

handmade knight helmet crochet hatWe had so much fun capturing new images for the shop and the two models, Felicity and Albie did an amazing job. These are a couple of shots to give you a flavor but we’ll publish some more shortly.

handmade crochet hat

I had brought a number of musical instruments with me as props but I’m not sure how popular it made us because in one of the other studios they were filming for the Channel 4 show ‘The Undateables!’

There was even a Ruby & Custard shoot print on the wall behind where they were filming but I’m not sure it will be visible….  Anyway, we were just excited to be running around having fun with some fabulous crochet hats! 🙂

Millie x



  1. […] If you are looking for vintage style wedding inspiration there is masses on Pinterest including the Ruby & Custard wedding inspiration board. […]

  2. […] with the little girls.  The picture above is my daughter who recently helped me with the latest Ruby & Custard photo shoot – I cant believe how big she has got! I think the impending new arrival is making me even more […]

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