Handmade Crochet in 2013 and onto 2014!

handmade crochet 2014Crochet in 2013 – what a year, gosh I’ve had fun! It’s been a brilliant year in fact!

I’ve done lots of handmade crochet commissions this year which is great fun – a fantastic chance to get really creative! I’ve done crochet crowns, crown hats, lots of crochet owl hats, baby birds, robot hats, monkey hats, little yellow aliens (inspired by a minion) hats and I’ve even been lucky enough to be part of 2 people’s weddings by making handmade crochet wedding headbands which is a massive honor. It’s been super enjoyable!

handmade crochet wedding headband

So many strings of handmade crochet personalized name bunting, each and everyone different and a joy to make.  I was even lucky enough to be sent a photo of one in pride of place at a christening!

handmade crochet bunting

There have been some very proud moments – my handmade crochet has been stocked by a shop (the brilliant Teasels florist in Ashburton, Devon and I can now proudly say ‘as featured in Inside Crochet magazine’

Inside Crochet

I always say that handmade crochet is a brilliant (if a bit odd) way to meet people and It a has introduced me to some really lovely people. I have spent many hours with the hilarious Claire of Crotchety Things chatting about crochet, hooks and yarn. The super talented Ann Scott of Ann Scott Designs who had kept me entertained with toddler chat and so many more.

There are lots of people I would like to thank but especially I would like to thank the very lovely Leigh Morgan for her continued support and encouragement. Thank you as well to the amazing Teena Towers who has supported me with craft fairs and endless positivity. Seriously, every kind word has spurred me on 🙂

handmade crochet craft fair

And of course I welcomed new baby Custard in early November. He started work modelling and helping out at the craft fair I signed up for in May, when he was just 2 weeks old (seriously, what was I thinking?! Why did I think it would be a good idea to do a craft fair with such a brand new baby?!)

If 2014 is half as good as 2013 then I am in for a treat. Thank you to everyone and happy new year to you all

Millie xxx

P.s I know that there are lots of people waiting for handmade crochet commissions that I just didn’t even get a chance to start before Christmas.  I had really rather forgotten how much life changes when a new baby arrives 🙂 I am working on them now though, thank you for your patience!


  1. Thank you Millie, for all the inspiration you have given me. 2014 will hopefully see Crotchety Things blossom! Happy New year to you and the family xx

  2. Leigh Morgan says

    Thank you for your lovely mention. My little granddaughters both wear their lovely hats and get many comments on how fabulous they are.

    Happy New Year to you and your family. X

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