An Owl Party! DIY Owl party bags

Owl party party bags

Owl party bags!

I’ve had a couple of days off hooking recently to prepare for a joint celebration in our home – our gorgeous little boy, aka baby Custard was 6 months old and he was baptised and as my family all live so far away we decided to combine the celebrations with our daughter’s third birthday.  It was a wonderful opportunity to get friends and family, lots of whom had travelled long distances to be with us, together to celebrate our little family.

I love parties and getting people together and I wanted to pick a simple theme to pull everything together and I chose owls.  I spend a lot of time making multi-coloured owl hats, pirate owl hats and even and owl bunting so it was an obvious choice for me but they were unisex and jolly good fun! 🙂

owl party

Every child who came to the party went away with an owl party bag made by me.  I had so much fun doing this!!!


If you would like to make your own then this is how simple it is: It is a simple paper bag, similar to the type chemists use for prescriptions in the UK as they are made of quite stiff, thick paper, but brown paper bags would work just as well.  I filled the bag and then folded the top over and then folded each side in and under to form a ‘beak’ and stuck this down. Then I cut out circles from ‘posh’ wrapping paper – the thicker, high quality stuff – and also patterns from pages in magazines (using an egg cup as a template if you’re interested!) and trimmed the edges with crinkly craft scissors.  Then after sticking the circles on, I glued a pair of buttons onto each owl eye. I printed out a sticker for each bag too.  Voila!  Super easy owl party bag!

owl party

I pulled together some owl party inspiration on a board on Pinterest if you would like some more inspiration.  I had so many ideas for decorations and games but I severely ran out of time.  Oh well, there is always next year!






  1. Oh, baby baptism – how special! And your little girl turning 3 🙂 Thanks for sharing the great “owl” ideas.


  1. […] weekend was Baby Custard’s half birthday and baptism and my gift to him was some handmade crochet bunting for his bedroom.  Handmade crochet […]

  2. […] have been a bit owl crazy for some time here; we even had an owl themed birthday and christening party!  And of course I do lots of owl hats and owl […]

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