Spring is in the air! The daffodils are starting to show their glorious yellow display and I have spotted lots of snowdrops – it’s coming! Spring will soon be here properly!
I’ve just completed an order of two very inspired by Spring and Easter crochet hats – a crochet baby bird hat and a crochet bunny rabbit hat for the lovely lady who has a little girls and also runs the Cherry Blossom Fairy (it’s a lovely Facebook page and well worth a look!
The baby bird has a big flower and twirly ‘feathers’ and the bunny rabbit has wonderful floppy ears.
The bunny rabbit hat pattern is in fact included in the Ruby & Custard Crochet book! Here is a photo of the gorgeous Jenson modelling a crochet Bunny Rabbit Hat at the recent photo shoot!
Crochet Therapy
Both hats are ones that I make to order rather than keeping ‘in stock’ and it’s taken a bit of effort to get back into the ‘swing’ of things. I’ve had a rough couple of months. Really rough in fact and it got to the point where I didn’t crochet for 3 weeks – something that is unheard of for me! I just couldn’t get into it. I even taught a friend to crochet in the hope it would reinvigorate me (she is now happily making granny squares at quite a rate). But today, the fog cleared and I was able to actually sit down and enjoy the simple therapy of the hook and the yarn. There isn’t much that can’t be resolved through crochet…surely?
I’m starting to feel better and I’m catching up with order requests and things I owe people. Normal service will return soon I promise. My mojo will come back! But right now it’s baby steps 🙂
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