Spring Crochet Flower Hearts

crochet flower heart wreathCrochet flower hearts to bring some (much needed) sunshine into your home!

The rain and grey days continue here, and although I can see the new shoots in the garden and I have planted some jolly little primulas by the front door it still feels far too wintry here in England. So, I have been making my own sunshine by crocheting lots and lots of flowers.  I have been making narcissus, daffodils, pansies, violas, pink blossom and forget-me-nots as well as plenty of little green leaves.

hanging crochet flower heart

The flowers have been used to create some crochet flower hearts.

There are two sizes of hearts- small and large.  The small hearts measure 16cm and the large 26cm and both are hung on lengths of beautiful gross-grain ribbon.  The hearts are made of dried, twisted clematis which gives them a lovely rustic feel I think.

crochet flower heart wreath

Hearts are priced at £16 for a small hanging crochet flower heart and £26 for a large crochet flower heart. If you would like to order one or would like to commission a heart decorated with flowers of your choice or a particular color scheme then please get in touch at millie@rubyandcustard.com.


Bring on the spring! In the meantime, I shall be continuing to collect Spring and Easter images over on Pinterest…plenty of inspiration for the real event!

Millie x


  1. […] something to show my thanks for their kind words and prayers.  I used the same flowers from my Spring flower hearts and attached them to a small piece of backing felt and a brooch pin. As you can see from the photo […]

  2. […] (taken from Vigo Street for the London techies); isn’t it beautiful? It remind me of some of the flower heart wreaths I have […]

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