Crochet Rose Bag

Crochet Rose bag, because the first signs of the weather turning are here and I am ready to embrace some spring florals! Although the days in the U.K. are still short and a bit grey, there are signs that spring is almost upon us.  The Florists are selling early tete-a-tete and hyacinths in their bright colours and {Read More…}

Pink and purple monkey hat and matching bag!

Monkey hat and matching bag? Of course! Here is a Ruby and Custard pink and purple stripe sock monkey hat with its very own matching bag – full on monkey style obviously! This order came from two ladies who wanted a special sock monkey hat in pink, lilac and purple stripes with a super-sized flower {Read More…}

Crochet sock monkey bag

I’ve been having some crochet fun and making some very useful, little, smiling monkeys – bags! Each bag has sticky out ears, shiny button eyes and a plenty of space for all the precious things a little girl may need to carry around with her 🙂 So far I’ve done two colour ways in shades of pink {Read More…}

Inspired by Cath Kidston Crochet Bag

How I upcycled a children’s raffia bag into a fabulous ‘inspired by’ Cath Kidston crochet bag decorated roses. I came across a little bag in the children’s department of John Lewis recently. It was quite cute and even had some sweet raffia crochet detail, but I thought it had the potential to be something really {Read More…}


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