Learn to crochet!

Learn to crochet – it’s not as hard as you may think! One positive thing from the global pandemic is the rise in interest in crafting. It turns out that lots of people have used the extra time spent at home to get creative!  It may seem intimidating at first, but the beautiful art of {Read More…}

Free crochet rainbow pattern for the NHS and Pride

Free crochet rainbow pattern to brighten any day! In the UK the rainbow has become a symbol of hope, with hundreds of thousands of people putting pictures of rainbows in their windows as part of the Global Rainbow Trail. There is also a free story from the NSPCC called ‘The Cloud and the Rainbow’, which {Read More…}

Free crochet valentine pattern

Free crochet valentine pattern, because making something for someone is the best way to show them you love them! I am a big believer in showing someone that you care through the joy of a handmade gift; not only does the recipient receive a beautiful gift; they know that you cared enough to spend time {Read More…}

Free crochet strawberry pattern

Free crochet strawberry pattern because it’s June and Summer must surely be on its way…?! Although it’s June and it is supposed to be Summer in the UK I actually had my heating on last week as it was so cold – anyway, I am an eternal optimist and with Wimbledon on the horizon and the {Read More…}

Free baby blanket crochet pattern

Free baby blanket crochet pattern – even if you don’t have a baby it is a great starter pattern! Here is a fabulous free baby blanket crochet pattern that is perfect for beginners (start with the plain squares), so if you think you might fancy a new hobby for 2016 here is a place to {Read More…}

Free Crochet Snowflake pattern

Crochet snowflake pattern for free! My recent post about the Frozen inspired name bunting I made for my daughter has certainly showed me how many people out there are jet as keen on the Disney film and all things Frozen related!  So, I thought I would share the free crochet snowflake pattern I designed for {Read More…}

Free easy crochet Pansy pattern

A free easy crochet pansy pattern for a Spring day! I adore pansies – their big fat petals and their huge array of colours – they are the perfect plant to add some Spring charm to pots and flower beds. I was going to take some photos of the pansies and of course their smaller cousin {Read More…}

Free Crochet Daffodil Pattern

Free crochet daffodil pattern to get everyone ready to welcome Spring! With less than 5 days until Spring starts on Friday 20 March I can see signs everywhere that life is returning, there are buds on most of the trees and the daffodils have started to appear.  I adore daffodils – I like the big {Read More…}

Free Crochet Pattern Valentine Egg Cosy

January is dreary and I was supposed to be doing lots and lots of other things….tidying up, washing, proof reading patterns (for a deadline of 2 February!) and making items in different colour ways to be photographed next month…. important stuff….but, you know how it is when you just have an idea that wants to {Read More…}

Free Crochet Star Pattern perfect for Christmas

Free crochet star pattern – perfect for Christmas! Why not add some beautiful homemade crochet style to your Christmas with the Ruby & Custard free crochet star pattern?   This pattern can be made into all sorts of things – hanging decorations, garlands, bunting, used on wrapped items…I am sure there are lots of uses {Read More…}


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